Church finances

Why give?

In practical terms, Citykirken is a self-financed association, where membership is not conditional on payment of dues. We also do not receive funds collected through the church tax. All the church's activities, operating costs and humanitarian work are therefore financed through voluntary gifts that we receive from our members, guests and others interested in supporting our vision.  

Citykirken Aarhus is a church built on the faith, will and generosity of many people. We know that we reach the furthest when we lift as a group. That's why we need you! With your help, we can reach even further with the message of Jesus. 

Giving is about much more than supporting the church's vision and purpose. We believe that God wants us to live a generous life and that through our gifts we show Him glory and acknowledge Him for all that He has blessed us with. Don't give out of duty, but out of gratitude and a desire to invest in His kingdom.


How can you give?

Bank transfer:

Sparekassen Danmark 9070
Account no.: 730092



Tax deduction

Gifts to Citykirken Aarhus are deductible if you use the arrangements below. The tax value of the deduction is approx. 25%. So you get approx. a quarter of your gift back via SKAT. 

Gifts (Ligningsloven §8A):

For ordinary gifts, you can get a deduction of up to DKK 17,200 this year. The system requires that you include your giver number in all transfers. If you don't have a giver number, please get in touch with to get one. We then report your gift to SKAT and the amount will appear in your annual statement.

Declaration of commitment (Ligningsloven §12):

If you want to commit to supporting Citykirken over a longer period of time, you have the option of getting a deduction for larger amounts - up to 15% of your gross annual income. In order to receive deductions under this arrangement, you must sign a declaration of commitment for a period of at least 10 years, cf. current legislation. The obligation is either a fixed annual amount or a fixed percentage of your income. However, the declaration ceases upon deregistration or moving, as long as you notify us of this.

Consider the church in your will

The City Church is approved to receive bequeathed gifts without having to pay inheritance tax. If you choose to bequeath an amount to the church, we will receive the entire amount uncut. 

We have entered into a partnership with the company Dokument 24, where you can create a will online for free if you consider adding the Citykirken to your will. You can also contact them if you want advice on inheritance and wills.

End of year report 2022

You can read Citykirken's annual report for 2022 by clicking on the link here.


If you want to hear more about finances in Citykirken, deduction rules or declarations of commitment,

feel free to contact us at